Training is done remotely through a Learning Management System. To get set up for training, email the Training Unit.
For OHS-funded Emergency Shelter Providers:
- CEA-BHRS Policies & Procedures Q&A (EH Providers)
This webinar leads shelter providers through the new CEA-BHRS process, highlighting key policies and procedures that impact their work. We ask case managers, housing specialists, supervisors, and program directors at OHS-funded emergency shelter programs to attend this webinar. - CEA-BHRS HMIS Training (EH Providers)
Shelter case managers, housing specialists, and supervisors will learn how to access and enter CEA-BHRS housing assessments during these in-person trainings. Users have to attend this training before they are able to access the CEA-BHRS Housing Assessment workflow. - EH Master Assessor Training
This is an in-person train-the-trainer session designed for 1-2 “Master Assessors” from each EH singles provider organization. Trainees will practice how to use the VI-SPDAT triage tool, which is an integral part of the CEA-BHRS Housing Assessment. Master Assessors will bring back to their staff tips and tricks for ensuring that the VI-SPDAT best reflects the needs and vulnerabilities of their participants.
For OHS and CoC-funded Transitional, Rapid Re-Housing, and Permanent Supportive Housing Providers:
- CEA-BHRS Policies & Procedures Q&A (TH/RRH/PSH Providers)
This webinar is for TH/RRH/PSH providers that are required to fill housing vacancies through the CEA-BHRS process, highlighting key policies and procedures that impact their work. - CEA-BHRS HMIS Training (TH/RRH/PSH Providers)
This is an in-person HMIS training for the staff at TH/RRH/PSH projects that will enter vacancy information and receive referrals.